FSE Design

Home of the WordPress Designs plugin


What exactly are the designs in the plugin?

With any block theme you are able to navigate to the site editor where you can customize colors, backgrounds, typography, spacing, layout, block positioning and much more.

These designs are site editor customizations that you can use as a starting point for your own site design, or simply use one of the included designs exactly as it is.

After activating a design, you can continue customizing your site just as much or as little as you wish.

What happens to my existing content?

All your existing page/post content is unaffected, and will not be modified or changed in any way when you activate one of the included designs.

How can I see what theme was used to create a particular design?

Open the design information panel, where you can view the name of the theme that was used when creating the design.

I don’t have that theme installed. How do I get it?

When you Preview or Activate a design, the required theme will be automatically installed from the offical WordPress themes repository.

Alternatively if you prefer to install the theme yourself, clicking the theme name link in the design infomation panel will take you to the Themes area of your site dashboard where you can install the theme.

Previewing a design will not activate the theme on the live frontend of your site, so your site visitors will still be viewing your site exactly as it is.

The required theme will only be activated when you Activate the selected design.

How does the design Preview work?

When you Preview a design, you will be able to view your site and see how it would look with that particular design.

You can navigate the frontend of your site to see how the design appears on different pages, posts, category pages etc.

Only you as the site admin will be seeing your site with the design preview enabled. Your regular visitors will still continue to see your live website exactly as it currently is.

Returning to anywhere within your site admin dashboard will reset the design preview, and you can also clear the preview with the dropdown link below the “Preview Design” menu item in the admin bar across the top of the site.

Are any other plugins required?

Some of the designs may be designed to work with other plugins to provide extra design tools.

Opening the design information panel will show which plugin(s) are used in creating the design.

Where there are no plugins mentioned, this means that particular design does not require any extra plugins and has been created completely with only the design tools available in core WordPress.

How do I get these extra plugins?

As we only use carefully selected plugins that are approved for use at wordpress.org, when you Preview or Activate a design, the required plugin will be automatically installed from the offical WordPress plugins repository and activated ready for use.

Alternatively if you prefer to install the plugin yourself, you can do so in the Plugins area of your site dashboard, and the plugin will then be available for use by the design.

I activated a design and now I realize I don’t like it. What can I do?

Whenever you activate a design, a restore point is created. Navigate to the Restore tab where you will be able to restore your site design to exactly how it was before you activated the design.

I don’t like any of these designs. Can I make a request for a particular design I would like to see?

Yes absolutely, we would love to hear from you with any recommendations or suggestions of site designs you would like to be included here.